Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Liberal Mind Set and Europe's "Submission"
If one take’s a close look at Islam and the behavior of its followers, it’s easy to see that it’s not just a religion but a political doctrine that unites all of its followers. Muslims that have immigrated but by all accounts haven’t assimilated to the west, are like foreign countries living within other countries borders.
In a post I made earlier “The Rape Of Europe” from the Brussels Journal. A noted German author Henryk M. Broder recently told the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (12 October) “that young Europeans who love freedom, better emigrate. Europe as we know it will no longer exist 20 years from now.” “Europe is turning Muslim.” And if you consider what the article goes on to point out, that estimates number muslims at fifty million which at the currant rate of increase is expected to double by 2025.And by 2025 one-third of Europe will be muslim. It’s easy to understand his desperate concern. As a result of Europe’s blind liberal political philosophy, that’s main politically correct concern, is protecting individual rights, and live and let live. Europe once again has been invaded by a monster. Just like the last time, they have plunged their heads in the sand and ignored the obvious. As their countries, their freedoms, their liberty, are all being lost to Islam they remain in a state of denial and do nothing. Sadly like before they are also failing to protect their Jewish citizens and once again Jews are being threatened with annihilation because they're Jewish. And Europe is once again not willing to stand up to a tyrant to protect them.
In an article on the NRO website Lorenzo Vidino & Erick Stakelbeck reveal a disturbing trend of the brutal, medieval Islamic Sharia law being practiced throughout Europe. European Dishonor One of the most shocking examples of this new reality occurred in Sweden last year, when a Kurdish woman was killed by her father for having a romantic relationship with a Swedish man. Fadime Sahindal, 26, had taken her father and brother to sharia court in 1998, alleging that they had threatened to kill her for refusing to marry a Kurdish man the family had chosen for her. The two received only light sentences, however, and continued to abuse Fadime until, in 2002, her father shot and killed her. Disturbingly, the young woman was well aware of the fate that awaited her, as she said during the 1998 trial: "The only way for the family to regain its honor now that I have spread dishonor over it is to kill me." There are many more examples of this disturbing trend so click the link if you need more convincing. I’m afraid Europe may have waited to long to do anything about the Islamization and eventual submission to “the religion of peace”.
The submission of the Europeans won’t be to difficult for the Islamists with people like the feminist that Henryk M. Broder recently debated. When ask about what should be done about the Islamization, she speaks like a true liberal. And at the same time reveals the deep state of denial she and many other liberals are in about life as a muslim under sharia law. She said that it is sometimes better to let yourself be raped than to risk serious injuries while resisting. She said it is sometimes better to avoid fighting than run the risk of death.”And I’m confident she and the rest of the Europe’s feminist movement will be welcomed with open arms and burka!
In this piece from the same article, we get another glimps at why liberals are bad choices when it comes to protecting our freedom. I guess this guy is a where of how sharia laws deal with gay people. In a recent op-ed piece in the Brussels newspaper De Standaard (23 October) the Dutch (gay and self-declared “humanist”) author Oscar Van den Boogaard refers to Broder’s interview. Van den Boogaard says that to him coping with the islamization of Europe is like “a process of mourning.” He is overwhelmed by a “feeling of sadness.” “I am not a warrior,” he says, “but who is? I have never learned to fight for my freedom. I was only good at enjoying it.” After reading this do you wonder why Ayman al-Zawahiri just reached out to the liberal Democratic Party. He knows what “The dominant Ethos” is in the liberal mind and how easy they will submit.
On her recent post, one my favorite and one of the clearest thinkers in America, Dr.Sanity, explains it best. It is all a matter of attaining that "cheap glory". Cheap glory for the Democrats who feel they best express their patriotism by heroically and honorably caving into the religious fanatics whose principal desire is to destroy our country; and cheap glory for Zawahiri and the other terrorists who, knowing they cannot possibly win on any other battlefield of this war, cleverly plan to achieve victory by letting America defeat itself. She goes on to say: The Democrat's quest for cheap glory is nothing more than the sociopathic selflessness (a form of malignant narcissism) of an organization that puts its overweening obsession for power above the needs of the country--and primly tells us that they are doing so "for our own good". Through the magic of postmodern irrationalism, they can always spin any defeat and surrender into examples of honor and integrity. Our only hope is that rational Americans can override the currant political situation we’re in. And put some people in Washington that see the reality of danger from Islamofacism.
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