Monday, December 18, 2006

Being Judgmental And a Christian

I've been thinking about the way a few of my Christian friend’s judge and feel about gay people. I just can't understand their position. First, the obvious problem is that they are being judgmental. God address this sin directly when he said 1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you". That seems pretty strait forward to me. Just like in everyday life I believe that people who constantly speak negatively of others are insecure, weak people. The same holds true for Christians that are constantly pointing out others sins and judging people. They're either misinformed about the judgment process or they're insecure with their own lifestyle. Jesus didn't spend that horrific day up on Calvary hill because just a few of us are sinners. WE ALL ARE! One person pointed out that if one is "living the gay lifestyle" they are unrepentant and in a perpetual state of sin. I pointed out that I constantly see him checking out girls and it's everyday.3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye"?So by his rational he too was unrepentant and in a perpetual state of sin. Everyone I know struggles with sin and God expected that. Don't you think that if God thought it was remotely possible we mortals could be perfect and without sin he would have found an easier job for his only son? Maybe checking people in or working in the mail room. I should also point out that the folks Jesus new as sinners (he had an in with "THE JUDGE") are the ones he loved and spent the most time with. Yes, as my cousin rightly pointed out during an unrelated discussion, people should be held accountable.I agree, but not in a public forum in what accounts to a humiliating, sadistic public lashing. We as Christians should never do anything that could possibly drive someone away from the church. “If lovin’ Jesus is wrong, I don’t want to be right”


Wanagl said...

I get all mixed up about that one. If you are judging those that are judging are you judging, assessing or evaluating?

Dazed said...

I'm not judging because I'm not condemning. I'm just saying STOP IT!

ssprabary said...

I agree for the most part, but not with evertthing you said.

Unknown said...

this is exactly why i do not particpate in organized religion. i see too many 'christians' preach one thing then do another. 'love thy neighbor' except if he's not exactly like me, in that case we should hunt them down, call them nasty names and not let them into any of our clubs including our church to worship our god. strange.

Unknown said...

ummmm...was that a bad intro to someone you just met online? ;-)

Anissa said...

Ditto (to the blog)

Unknown said...

apparently it was, since your profile has been deleted.

Elmer said...

A-men to your thoughts Mr. Confused. It seems that people (here I go stereotyping) spend more time judging others than looking into their own mirror. But then that’s the only exercise some people get; jumping to conclusions. Take this proper church going older woman I know. I can’t remember the last time she missed a weekly mass. But she will cast the first stone when it comes to accepting another faith, especially a non-Christian religion.

Ginny said...

I think that most Christians are very good, well meaning people. But they are not perfect. No one is. Everyone judges others. It is a common flaw amoung people.

Wanagl said...

Hey Jennifer I understand how you feel about organized religion but then if you had children, would you want to raise them in a city without churches?
I think we forget that church is not a gathering place for saints, its a watering hole for sinners.

Unknown said...

wanagl, i would want my children to be kind, loving, honest, moral, tolerant, giving and forgiving people. i don't necessarily believe they have to step foot in a church to grow up and be these things. i know not all christians and religious types are hypocritical, it would be foolish to think so. but those that are have given me cause to step back and consider things. and in doing that, i have chosen not to be religious.
to finally answer your question (finally!!!), no i wouldn't want my children to grow up in a world without churches. when the time is right, it will be up to them to choose what to believe. i would be depriving them of opportunities and exposure to so many types of people and so much history.

Dazed said...

Jennifer proves my point. Her experience with hypocritical, judgmental,and with a timber in their own eye people, pushed her away. That’s why when such behavior is observed within one’s church; it should be addressed immediately with as much love and grace as possible. My Mom taught me that by example.

Unknown said...

with all due respect dazed, those people did not 'push me away' from the church. i know just as many religious people who are not like that. i am no better or worse of a person than any of my church-going friends. the hypocrisy i saw just made me re-evaluate things and for my own personal reasons i chose to not allign myself with a particular religion. and out of curiousity, for those of you who feel that everyone should attend church, which one should they attend and why? would it be catholic, baptist, methodist, morman, muslim, jewish, etc...? which one is right? or would it not matter just as long as they were attending SOME kind of religious service?

Dazed said...

Jennifer, for this post when I say church I mean Christianity, not the building or congregation. As far as denomination that would be your choice. They all offer something a little different. I could start doing psychological profiles on both people and denominations and try to match them up but I'm still working on scream therapy for the repressed grievers of the world. I don't think everyone has to go to church. But I think for those that do gather, need to do a better job at making all feel welcome not shunned. I don't go very often but when I do, I expect perfection. I'm not religious but I am spiritual. The hypocrisy drives me crazy and I can't just grin and bare it. I guess that's why I'm bloging about it. As far as which religion, Jewish, muslim, Hindu. I’ve made my choice and think it’s the right one for me. You would have to make yours.

Unknown said...

well said.

Dazed said...

Ssprabary, Don't ever not agree with something I've said.You are only hurting yourself.It's very clear that you need all the help you can get, grasshopper.